Mind machines Research

Research on Audio-Visual Stimulation

The effects of audio-visual stimulation on the human body and mind have been investigated in many scientific surveys and studies. Examinations by electroencephalogram (EEG) show altered brain waves as a reaction to both visual and acoustic signals.

The results of various clinical studies prove that AV stimulation has positive effects on stress and anxiety, the ability to focus mentally, and can significantly reduce pain associated with various diseases.

In a survey of patients suffering from migraines and tension headaches, 49 out of 50 patients claimed they felt less pain after the stimulation. 36 patients even claimed they had no pain left at all.

The University of Hamburg has successfully treated patients with tinnitus with audio-visual stimulation for many years.

Collura, T.F. (2001). Application of repetitive visual stimulation to EEG neurofeedback protocols. Journal of Neurotherapy, 6(1), 47-70.

Frederick, J.A., Timmerman, D.L., Russell, H.L., & Lubr, J.F. (2004) EEG coherence effects of audio-visual stimulation (AVE) at dominant and twice dominant alpha frequency Journal of Neurotherapy, 8(4), 25-42.

Huang, T.L., & Charyton, C. (2008) A comprehensive review of the psycholo gical effects of brainwave entrainment. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 14,5.

Anderson, D. (1989) The treatment of migraine with variable frequency photic stimulation. Headache, 29, 154-155.

S. Tönnies (2006) Entspannung für Tinnitusbetroffene durch Photostimulation. HNO 2006 · 54:481–486




Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_machine

Here you find some interesting studies to the topic of audio-visual-stimulation

Laxman Pilotstudy

Study on the impact of… Study Abstracts 1973-2009

A collection of audiovisual… Laxman efficiency clinical proven

Study on the impact of… Klinische Studie mit dem Laxman

Untersuchung der Auswirkungen… EEG coherence effects of audio-visual stimulation (AVS)

Jon A. Frederick,… Stimulus Rate Determines Regional Brain Blood Flow in Striate Cortex

blood flow induced by two… Kinder mit hyperkinetischem Syndrom


Progressive Muskelrelaxation… Schulische Leistungssteigerung

durch visuelle Stimulation… Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism

Frequency-Dependent Changes… 

Beschleunigtes Lernen mit Mentalsystemen

– Lernzustandsregulierung… Geistige Fitness

eine Studie von Dr. Thomas…